If you’ve always wanted to get into climbing but don’t have the gear, or know-how to get started, a Via Ferrata is something you need to add to your bucket list.

The Via Ferrata in Jackson Hole

The Via Ferrata in Jackson Hole is a great place to get started. They have a large variety of difficulty throughout their course that can include anything from easier beginner routes, to more advanced and exposed routes up the side of cliffs. You won’t have to tackle this adventure alone as there are experienced guides that will take you through the routes and give you pointers and techniques along the way. Here are the main reasons you MUST get on this Via Ferrata next season. 

  1. Excitement

The first reason that you should try out the Via Ferrata located in Jackson Hole is simply because of how exciting this activity is! You will start at the bottom of a mountain and work your way up. You will climb on rocks, iron bars, and cliff side ledges. Don’t look down! Some areas on these routes are hundreds of feet above the ground below. You will be hooked in to an iron cable throughout the activity. Each guest will have a climbing harness, two tethers to attach to the cable, helmets, and climbing shoes. Once you reach the top, you will get the opportunity to cross a 120-foot suspension bridge over daunting heights from the deep valley below your feet.  

2. Safely get involved in Rock Climbing

Another reason you should check this out is the rock-climbing experience you will gain from the activity. The Via Ferrata is a perfect step between hiking and climbing, and is a great way to start experiencing the sport of rock climbing. You can work your way up in your skill level by taking more challenging routes along the way. As mentioned above, the Via Ferrata in Jackson Hole has a variety of difficulties available from beginner to expert. Make sure to check this out if you want to do some rock climbing, but you aren’t sure if you want to invest in all the gear yet. 


The next reason you need to try the Via Ferrata in Jackson Hole is the incredible views and the location. This Via Ferrata is in the Grand Teton Mountains; some of the most iconic and beautiful mountains in the Rocky Mountains. You can get the opportunity to climb these incredible natural features to the top. Once you reach the summit you will have Panoramic views that are sure to take your breath away.  

Overall, the Via Ferrata is an adventure that you absolutely cannot miss.

The uniqueness and adrenaline-pumping heights that the activity provides, the climbing experience that you will gain from the opportunity, and the unmatched views that you will experience in the middle of the Grand Tetons are all awesome reasons that you have to get out on this trip. Don’t miss out! Make sure to check out the Jackson Hole, WY Via Ferrata today!