If you are in High School and are looking for an awesome aerial activity for the fall, we may have the perfect option for your group. The fall is interesting in Colorado. The whitewater starts diminishing, the weather gets a little cooler, and you still can’t go skiing. Tough bet. If you are still trying to get out in nature, get some adrenaline pumping through your veins, and have some awesome views at the same time, the Via Ferrata is the adventure that you need to check out. The following will show you why this awesome Mountain side adventure is just what you’re looking for.

Not the Same Ol’ Hangout Spot

The Via Ferrata is an awesome option, primarily for High School groups, because it allows you to hang out with your friend group in an unconventional and awesome setting. Our Via Ferrata tour keeps your group together as you traverse the cliffside high above the ground below. You will get to watch the fear in your friends’ eyes when you decide who climbs across the daunting obstacles first! But don’t feel like you get out of it. You will be following right behind! You will all accomplish the course as a team and get to checkpoints to wait for those following. If you are looking to get close with your group, this is the way to do it!

Trust Us, This Adventure is Instagram Worthy.

Another reason to get on our Via Ferrata this fall with your high school group is the diversity of activities included. You will start by traversing the cliffside; climbing on iron bars, stepping on small ledges, and tiptoeing your way to platforms. Once you think you reached the end, you will rappel down the cliffside walls. Not only do you get all of this, but you will finish with three zip lines and the famous free fall jump. You will have to walk the plank and leap into the valley. You get all of these awesome obstacles in this one package, making it a great value for your group. As you can imagine, the traversing, ziplines, and especially the free fall jump all get your adrenaline pumping pretty good! Experiencing this with your friend group will make you all feel closer as well.

Aerial Views in the Rockies

The final reason that you must get on this activity with your high school group, especially this fall, is the incredible views while you’re up on the cliffside. You will have a look out on the awesome mountains in Idaho Springs and will be able to see the changing leaves of the Aspens on the mountain side. The leaves will be falling soon so make sure to hurry in! You will finish this activity with zipping through the changes leaves and over Chicago Creek, so the views are sure not to disappoint.


As you can see the Via Ferrata is an adventure that you must take part in this fall, especially if you’re looking for something to do with you High School friends. The group setting, diversity of activities, and adrenaline and views you will experience during the trip all make this something that your group is sure to remember. Make sure to contact Colorado Via Ferrata if you want to experience this activity for yourself!